After a hard week with Charlize getting into EVERYTHING in the house, I really was in desperate need of a break. I called the Child Development Center (CDC)provided on base and asked for a reservation for Thursday from 11:00am-4:00pm. I had a gift card from Christmas to JCPenney's and Victoria's Secret and all I wanted was a few hours to shop in peace, feel like a woman again, and then come back refreshed and ready to tackle my crazy toddler again!
So, when Thursday morning came, I was in a rather good mood. I got dressed up and was looking forward to a "me only" day. I got to the CDC a little later than expected because Charlize woke up late from a nap. When I arrive and drop her off to the Toddler room, I was told they just finished lunch. Charlize hadn't had much of anything before we left the house, a few sips of her milk from her sippy cup, but that was it. So, as I am talking to the childcare provider, she proceeds to tell me that the next time the kids will be fed with be at snack time, around 2:00pm. (at the time I looked at the clock it was 11:25am). Knowing my kiddo, I knew she wasn't going to last till then and she would definitely be hungry. I then told the childcare provider that I at least had two sippy cups of milk to leave for Charlize. As I begin to take them out of her diaper back, the childcare provider informs me that if Charlize's sippy cups have stoppers, they are not allowed. So, after more disheartening news, I stand there looking at my poor baby girl, who is now walking over to the carpet to go play with toys. So, the child care provider is telling me that Charlize already missed lunch, won't have a snack till 2 hours from then, and will be left without any milk because the sippy cups I provided had stoppers and were not allowed. If I left her there from 11:30am-about 4:00pm when I was done running my errands and shopping, my poor child would have gone HUNGRY?????
This is when I picked up my sweet baby and proceeded to the door, all the while explaining to the child care provider that I was not going to leave my child after all. The child care provider than says to me in such a condescending tone, "You have to leave her sometime mom!". I then, retorted with a not so polite tone, "That is not the point. I have left my child in other care before, but the point is that I am not about to leave my child for five hours to go hungry. She isn't allowed her own sippy cups of milk, she will not get any kind of food for another two hours, and you expect her to be good for the next five hours in that condition?"
With that retort, I took my baby girl and walked out the door. It was then I realized that I am truly a mommy. Like a mommy lion protecting her cub. If she is going to go hungry, then my baby girl is better off with me than in someone elses hands. She is my daughter and I will take care of her.
Now the day didn't turn out as great as I hoped for, but at least my baby girl wasn't hungry. She fussed in most of the stores I tugged her along to, she was tired, but fought the sleep, but all the while, she had a sippy cup full of ice water, and snacks at her disposal if she wanted. She got to eat lunch with me, and she spent time with her mommy.
Funny how much mom's sacrifice. I could have definitely used a few hours to myself, but to what satisfaction? I would have had a starved child, while I was out having "me" time. I am not a selfish mommy. So, oh well. Wasn't impressed with the child care and not sure I will use them for much again. Now I at least know lunch will be provided between 10:30-11:00am and snacks are at 2pm. The sippy cup issue is still silly to me, but I am not going to change Charlize's sippy cups just to appease the CDC.
The things a good mother does when she accepts the responsibility of being a MOMMY!
My wine down tonight: White Merlot by Beringer.
You are a wonderful mother, Jen. Never forget that.