As I talk to my friends who are expecting their first child, I see in their eyes the excitement, joy, and anxiousness on becoming a parent. I laugh now because I remember when I had those same feelings over a year ago. Knowing what I know now and what I've been through in my short 14 months of parenthood, I find it cute how excited these first time mommies are about having a baby. Not to spoil their excitement, a part of me resists telling them the "not so wonderful moments" that this job entails. I just make sure to tell them the more memorable moments from my experiences as a mom. With my own excitement and anxiousness then, I never thought I would go through some of the things I went through with my first born child. I went straight through the "fire" and barely came out alive and with quite a few burns!! I just hope and pray my next go around with #2 will be so different and less "maintenance", I'll feel like SUPER MOM because I already had the worst of the worst times with #1! Don't misunderstand that I don't love my first born baby girl, but it was definitely not an easy tunnel to go through! I am envious of those that had that easy first baby. They are the few that were blessed enough to have those easy babies and go on to have a dozen more just the same as the first!
Phfff...must be nice!!
So, looking at my friends as they ever so sweetly rub their baby bumps and anticipate the arrival of their new bundle of joy, I smile and silently pray for them that God grant them the child that only they can handle. God must have thought me to be stronger that I even thought myself to be because I got the baby with a powerful set of lungs (best for screaming/crying for hours) and relentless to all things including SLEEP! At least now when #2 does comes along, I have a "bag of tricks, tips, and trades" to handle most situations. For the things I can't handle...well....thats why the Lord created WINE and a prayer! LOL. Joking..........
a little!
All joking aside, I am looking forward to having more children, and I know I will again have that same feeling of excitement and anxiousness and overwhelming joy of carrying another baby. I will just have a better idea of whats to come the second time around, rather than going unknowingly onto the battlefield called: Parenthood, unarmed!
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